Devlog 12

The board game I chose on my revisit to "Watch it Played" was "Key To The Kingdom".  KTTK can be compared and contrasted with Soren Johnsons talk in many ways. 

Within Johnsons talk he states "Transparent, visible mechanics increase players comfort". This can be mapped to Key To The Kingdom in the way that all the cards and areas are pretty transparent and clear with what they are. The "Events" cards are labeled with "Event" on their backsides, magic items are all labeled with the +/- point counter on them to make their value clear, and locations like "really evil swamp" are given names that clearly demonstrate what their purpose is or how treacherous they might be. The game seems to be very "newbie" friendly which would make new players extremely comfortable. 

Secondly, pre-luck is very evident when taking turns in KTTK. If you roll your dice and get a number higher or lower than the number you want, you may use your magic items to decrease or increase your die value. This is similar to Johnsons example of pre-luck where he talks about Alien Frontiers and how players can place dice in in-game areas. Post luck is also seen in KTTK in the form of event cards. When landing on an event tile, you pick up an event card and do what it tells you. This could lead to good or bad situations based on what the event card says.

One of the differences between Johnsons discussion and KTTK is transparency and how it is presented. He talks about Transparency via theme and KTTK is definitely more on the "via help" side. The cards are labeled with what to do and if you have questions you search for the answer in your instructions sheet.

I couldn't find many instances where KTTK fully just did not map with Johnsons talk. It seems that the game is relatively straightforward and clear to whoever may attempt to play it. It seemed to hit all the checkmarks when going through the video and comparing it to how the game was explained and played by "Watch it Played". I would say that it is extremely transparent and looks like it would be a fun and easy game to get into.

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