Entry 09

I feel like our in class design process can be compared in many ways to Garfield's process with Magic. When looking at Garfield's "Striking the balance" subject, I compare it to how me and the group made decisions to balance cards such as the hex or spite cards while we were playing. We came up with ideas to make cards valuable, while not being too common so that it wouldn't harm the game play but would make it a lot more interesting. Furthermore, in his "To Build a Better Deck" section immediately below the previous, he talks about having common and rare cards. "Sometimes a card was made rare because it was too powerful." This is an idea that we all thought of in order to have cards that were more scarce and powerful with no immediate counters. I feel that it makes the game play fun while also keeping everybody on their toes. If players manage their cards correctly, it is fairly easy to limit the losses that may come their way which is why we aren't too worried about a card being too good.

The Altice chapter was valuable in a variety of ways. Obviously the cards will be identical in shape but we are branching away from the "uniformness of blankness". We will be adding artwork to each card that gives it its own unique look which will make it easily identifiable and keeping the game around the spooky witchy theme that we have planned on. In the game Burger Truck Battle, we felt that the cards were pretty boring to look at and it was basically just the picture of the word that was on the card with no real interest peaking art. We want people to have fun playing our cards, which sounds like something you would have in Magic, due to the vast possibility of cards to play.

We are excited to continue playtesting on Tuesday with our cards in order to test new rules we thought of on Thursday, and I look forward to making it as exciting as possible. 

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